

I guess it's probably better to learn your limits and how much you're actually worth before you become a screw in the job-force machinery. Realising your own humanity and how much it should be respected. Noting down that the basic facilities of respect are an inherent right and not something you should earn. That to be a worthy individual you don't have to be important or successful, rather someone with a working brain and basic coping and social abilities. That you have the right to feel right. That this shouldn't be what you are actually battling for, or attempting to pay for once the green bills are stretched towards your sweaty hands.


a drunk poem

dearly titled: i do i do (my drunk mind is hot for repetition)

i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you
i lover you
i lov you
i love you
i love you i love
i love you i love you
i love the you
i do love you
i love every bit of you
i would sit in your room for days and listen to all your ashtray
i would hang around like a lonely time-free consuming lover
i would paint your legs and laugh at the funny scars in your shin bones
i would watch the entire Sabrina marathon
i would sleep naked for days even though i don't like it
i would devote myself entirely but be so casual and smoke-filled you wouldn't even be able to tell
i would kill people
i would love you like you love your mother
i know i have to
i know i have to love you dearly
i love you so much it doesn't fit.

i would love you every day and every night
i would love you until it didn't feel right
i would consume the pain and take the strain and drain my sorry windows
of legged bathed wails
i would love and drive every day to your isolated cocoon
god i love you
beyond the doom.

the poetry of things

dangerous > safe